Syracuse Warehouse Renovation
Redesigning and refurbishing spaces often challenge interior designers and architects to creatively reimagine existing structures. This may involve transforming layouts, uncovering architectural features, or concealing less desirable elements. Sometimes, subtle changes like updating finishes, lighting, furniture layouts, ceiling features, or acoustics can achieve dramatic transformations. Even small projects demand thoughtful selection from countless materials, products, and treatments. The Syracuse Warehouse Renovation project challenged students to redesign a space of their choice within the confines of the Nancy Canter Warehouse building located in North Syracuse.
Existing Conditions
The open offices and waiting area within the School of Design are underutilized, failing to reach their full potential. The waiting room could be reimagined to connect seamlessly with the first-floor lobby, creating a more open and inviting space. Currently, the offices are tucked away, leaving visitors confused about their location. Enhancing accessibility to the waiting room would improve spatial flow and address key space-planning challenges.
Given the mixed-use nature of this area, thoughtful design is essential. Incorporating colors informed by color theory can enhance the functionality and atmosphere of the space, ensuring it meets the needs of its diverse users.

Proposed Floor Plan and Renderings
The renovation of the faculty offices in the Nancy Cantor Warehouse introduced several functional and thoughtful upgrades. A new kitchenette area now offers faculty a convenient space for coffee and snacks, complemented by built-in cabinets that provide ample storage for essentials.
The break room was enhanced with acoustic privacy features and the addition of a comfortable couch, creating a relaxing space for downtime. The mailroom was relocated from the exterior ramp to a previously vacant office space, addressing the issue of overflow and ensuring a more organized and efficient setup.